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The Ancient Technique That Transformed My Body: Fasting
Losing weight can prove to be a daunting task for many. Trust me, the journey is not easy, but the destination is always worth it. I am Magilian and I successfully crossed that hurdle by losing over a hundred pounds (yes, you read that right), all thanks to an ancient technique that took me on an incredible trip of body transformation. You must be wondering just what this magical technique is. Can you guess it? If fasting was your answer, give yourself a pat on the back!
A Closer Look at Fasting
Fasting is more than just a diet; it’s a lifestyle choice that impacts the way our body functions. It involves a deliberate abstinence from food for a predetermined period. There are various methods of fasting that provide different benefits. In this post, we’ll delve into this fascinating world of fasting, explain its types, periods, and benefits, and finally reveal the ultimate fasting period deemed most effective in my experience.
Introducing Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting (IF) is probably the friendliest way to introduce fasting to your system, almost like a stepping stone to more advanced stages. It is quite uncomplicated and revolves around timed periods of eating and non-eating. Its most popular arrangement is the 16/8 fasting window where you fast for 16 hours, followed by an eating window of 8 hours filled with balanced, nutritious meals.

The process is simplistically smart. You might have already been doing it without realizing it, like when you skip breakfast. Here’s an example: you have your first meal of the day at 2:00 PM, and your last meal is at 10:00 PM. Congratulations! You are intermittent fasting!
There is a horde of health benefits linked to this simple protocol. But what other options do you have once you feel comfortable with this level of fasting and want to progress?
Welcome to Advanced Fasting Techniques
Here, there are two major types of fasting: regular or wet fasting and the more challenging counterpart, dry fasting. In a wet fast, you are allowed zero-calorie drinks but absolutely no food. Dry fasting steps up the game by banning both food and drink intake. This means zero calories during the fast. Dry fast further bifurcates into soft dry fast and hard dry fast. The former allows for oral hygiene and bathing routines, but the latter negates any contact with water.

Besides these, there are recommended fasting periods. We already discussed intermittent fasting. Next up is a 24-hour fast, also known as alternate-day eating, where you eat one day and fast the next. A 36-hour fasting period marks what I like to call the “monk fast.” Finally, extended fasts, ranging between three to five days, are suitable for seasoned fasters. The longest I’ve managed is a 21-day wet fast!
The Lure of Fasting: Unveiling its Benefits
Now, this all boils down to one question: What makes fasting so popular? This is where the treasure trove of benefits comes into play.
  1. Promoting Healthy Sugar Levels: Fasting reduces insulin resistance, thereby promoting optimal blood sugar control. A study confirmed that intermittent fasting significantly reduced sugar levels, while a 2014 review found it as effective as calorie restriction!

  2. Fighting Inflammation: Intermittent fasting reduces levels of an inflammatory marker known as the C-reactive protein, shielding you from harmful chronic inflammation effects.

  3. Heart Health: Another study found that intermittent fasting lowered blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, and blood triglycerides, promoting overall heart health.

  4. Preventing Cognitive Decline: Fasting stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotropic factor, aiding in creating new brain cells.

  5. Weight Management: One of the most popular fasting benefits involves aiding weight loss by restricting the calorie intake window and boosting metabolism. Research indicates fasting to be more effective than simple calorie restriction in accelerating weight loss.

Furthermore, extended fasting triggers “autophagy,” the self-cleaning process of the body, where dead, underperforming cells are destroyed. This process kicks in full throttle after approximately 36 hours into the fast.

But what makes a perfect fast? A comparative study involving a 12-hour fast, a 36-hour fast, and a 72-hour fast revealed that the 36-hour fast worked wonders in increasing metabolism, establishing it as the ‘Monk Fast’. This method is not only sustainable in the long run but also convenient to maintain regularly, offering all the touted health and weight loss benefits.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, fasting, when done right, can be a transformative tool in achieving your health and fitness goals. A sustainable, manageable and highly beneficial option like the wet monk fast is an excellent starting point. Remember, it doesn’t matter where you start. What matters is to start.

So, don your willpower, and begin your fasting journey. Good luck, and may you meet success at the end of your journey.

My name is Magilian, and I thank you for stopping by. Feel free to leave me your questions, recommendations, or some love in the comments below. Stay tuned for the next episode of our fitness journey together. Peace!

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier.

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