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5 foods you should be eating to help fight year-end fatigue
The final weeks of December seem to zip by in a blur of holiday preparations, events, errands, travel, and more. While exciting, this flurry of activity often leaves people drained when energy needs peak going into the New Year.

Before you reach for yet another doubled-up latte, candy bar, or so-called “energy” drink to rev up, stop. You need sustainable fuel sources, not quick fixes that soon leave you more sluggish. Instead, fill up on these 5 science-backed fatigue fighters:
1. Avocados

You may think of avocados as a luxury taste treat, not an energy booster. But these fruits brim with nutrients and healthy fats that offer enduring stamina unlike carb-heavy snacks.

Research reveals the monounsaturated fats in avocados help stabilize blood sugar. Their fiber content further prevents energy spikes and crashes. This makes avocados ideal for providing steady, productive energy to learn new skills or tackle your to-do list.

Benefits span beyond fatigue as well. Studies associate avocado consumption with:

  • Improved gut health
  • Enhanced absorption of antioxidants
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Supporting healthy weight

Their versatility makes avocados easy to incorporate too. Blend into smoothies, mash onto toast, dice into salads and grain bowls, or enjoy classic guacamole with veggies.

2. Leafy Greens
Greens like kale, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, and lettuce burst with vitamins, minerals and protective plant compounds vital for sustained energy. As one of the most nutrient-dense food groups, they belong in everyone’s diet.

Leafy greens teeem with critical electrolytes like magnesium and potassium that regulate nerve and muscle function. Deficiencies manifest as fatigue, headaches, and cramps – common complaints during stressful times.

These FOODS also provide a hefty serving of natural folate. Research connects inadequate folate intake with persistent tiredness and difficulty concentrating.

For an extra kick, add lemon juice atop greens. The vitamin C aids iron absorption – low iron often causes exhaustion too.
3. Beans and Lentils
Bean enthusiasts boast high energy, and science backs their claims. Beans and lentils deliver a powerful package of protein, complex carbs and micronutrients for hours of steady productivity.

Unlike meat, beans offer plant-based iron essential for oxygen circulation to muscles and organs. Low iron frequently manifests in women as chronic fatigue. Just a half-cup of cooked lentils provides about a third of recommended daily iron intake.

These fibrous legumes also have magnesium and potassium that conduct nerve signals related to energy production. Deficiencies contribute to palpitations, weakness, muscle cramps and fatigue.

Finally, their impressive protein content crushes cravings to help stabilize blood sugar highs and lows. Combine beans and greens for an ultimate vitality salad!
4. Bananas
Portable, easy to eat and nicely packaged by nature, bananas make an ideal on-the-go energy snack. They earn their reputation as an instant pick-me-up.

Both the sugars and fibers in bananas bolster energy. Their glucose kick starts blood sugar lift while sustained starches provide enduring fuel. These effects even benefit workouts and athletic performance.

Beyond a sweet treat, the potassium and vitamin B6 in bananas regulate fluid balance and nerve cell communication. Imbalances manifest as dehydration and electrolyte disturbances – again depleting energy.

Just watch portion size, as bananas have natural sugars. But enjoyed in moderation, bananas lift mood and vitality when you need it most.
5. Water
Could sheer dehydration be why your steam ran out? Don’t overlook your body’s most fundamental liquid fuel. Proper hydration fundamentally drives cellular functions that produce energy.

Experts widely tout the merits of “drinking enough water” for health. But according to research, 75% of people suffer chronic under-hydration. Few realize days-long deficits sap energy, mood, cognition, digestion, immunity and metabolism.

Begin optimizing intake by calculating recommended daily water minimums based on weight and activity level. Divide your weight in pounds by two – that number in ounces is your bare minimum. Active individuals need more.

Guzzle more in winter months too as heat blasts dehydrate air. Infuse with fruits and herbs to entice sipping. Don’t rely on thirst as an indicator – when you feel thirsty, mild dehydration has likely already set in.

This holiday season and new year, make it easy on yourself. Incorporate avocados, greens, beans, bananas and water into daily habits for lasting, nutrition-powered energy to dominate your days!

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