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My Transformation: From Fat to Fit, Naturally!
Hello folks! If you are reading this, chances are you are interested in knowing how to increase your testosterone levels naturally. Well, you’re in the right place, as today I’m going to cover the very topic backed by scientific evidence. So keep reading!
Understanding The Importance of Testosterone
Testosterone, a vital hormone for men, plays a significant role in regulating sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, strength, and the production of red and sperm cells. Hence, a boost in testosterone levels not only promotes better gains in the gym but also contributes to a healthier and longer life with fewer diseases. Not to forget, a happier partner too.
Basic Steps to Increase Testosterone Levels
Let’s delve into the basics. Two simple yet effective things you can do to increase your testosterone levels include weight lifting and ensuring a proper sleep routine.
Weight Lifting
Research emphasizes the dramatic boost in testosterone levels achieved through weight lifting. Focusing on compound movements over isolation exercises is recommended as it increases testosterone levels the most. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press form your ‘increasing testosterone’ bucket-list.
A big shoutout to squats, one of the most potent testosterone boosters in your arsenal. Also, some studies suggest that taking creatine along with exercises increases testosterone even further.
Taking restorative sleep positively influences testosterone levels.
A beautiful thing happened once my transformation was underway. My personal and professional lives both took a turn for the better. People began reaching out to me, and I started landing ambitious job roles.
Throughout this period, I also noticed an improvement in my academics. A postgraduate degree was what marked the end of this period of self-growth and development.
Now, onto the steps that wholly transformed my life.
Lowering Stress Levels
Cutting down stress, especially by decreasing cortisol levels, is another effective way of increasing testosterone. While it might be unrealistic to entirely remove all negative influences from your life, learning stress management techniques such as meditation can make a big difference.
Supplements to Boost Testosterone Levels
In case you consider taking supplements, my top recommendation includes Ashwagandha – a proven stress reducer. The regular intake of Ashwagandha was found to increase testosterone levels by 17% and sperm count by 167%. Combined with other supplements like horny goat weed and Shilajit, it contributes significantly to increased gym strength and reduced recovery time. Remember, these supplements may increase your sex drive, but they also lower stress levels.
Exposure to Sunlight
Increasing your daily exposure to the sun can also up your testosterone levels. While this may seem surprising, several studies suggest that exposure to the sun (especially on the testicles, for 10 to 15 minutes daily) can increase testosterone levels significantly.
If you can’t manage regular sun exposure, consider taking Vitamin D supplements. A twelve-month study revealed that intake of 3000 IUs of Vitamin D daily resulted in almost a 25% increase in testosterone levels.
The Role of Multivitamins
Apart from vitamins like Vitamin D, other multivitamins, such as Zinc, B12, and Magnesium, can also help to dramatically increase testosterone levels when taken consistently. For instance, a study showed that athletes who took Zinc had a 64% increase in testosterone levels and sperm count.
Quality Sleep: A Necessity
A sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is irreplaceable when it comes to boosting testosterone levels. For someone, like me, who struggles with insomnia, consider natural remedies, like eating almonds or taking melatonin. Almonds (30-40 grams every night) worked for me better than any other sleep aids.
Conculsion: Stay All Natural
I just walked you through several ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally. Always remember that resorting to artificial means like steroids bring along hard-to-manage side effects and long-term health issues.

If you found this post useful, please hit the like button and share it with your friends. Also, I’d be glad to hear any suggestions or experiences from your end. Thanks for joining, it’s Magillian here, signing off until next time!
Remember always to keep it natural, because it’s the sustainable approach that brings about the real, beneficial changes in your bodies.

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